How to create silent spaces in the day and break the noisy habit

How to create silent spaces in the day and break the noisy habit

It’s so noisy TVs blare in restaurants, coffee shops and at home in the living room. Music fills the car. Emails shout for attention at work. The kids shout for attention at home. Something always fills up quiet spaces. Noise stirs up our thoughts like the waves of...
Spiritual exercises–awake for the sunrise

Spiritual exercises–awake for the sunrise

“Is there anything that I can do to make myself enlightened?” “As little as you can do to make the sun rise in the morning.” “Then of what use are the spiritual exercise you prescribe?” “To make sure you are not asleep when...


As a young mom, “quiet time” meant it was time for my kids to go to their rooms before one of us snapped. As a college student, I learned “quiet time” was when I went to my room—or any place that I could be alone–to have some time with God. It’s had different...
Are you “doing” enough?

Are you “doing” enough?

 I come from a family of “doers”. Doing for the kingdom was as natural as eating three meals a day. But there are seasons when I can’t–or shouldn’t even try to–check off as many items on the kingdom “to-do” list. Maybe...
Finding Stillness in the Rapids

Finding Stillness in the Rapids

A couple of years ago our family was white water rafting down the rapids of the Pecuare River in Costa Rica. The water sprayed in our faces, a guide shouted commands from the back, and we all paddled hard while also trying to stay in the boat. The river was furious...
The Inward Journey

The Inward Journey

I’m very comfortable and adept with the outward journey. I’ve been trained in it since I was a little kid. I enjoy it. I love the journey through new seasons of life. Many of my seasons come and go in the context of family—getting married, having children, celebrating...