O God of such truth as sweeps away all lies, of such grace as shrivels all excuses, come now to find us for we have lost our selves in a shuffle of disguises and the rattle of empty words. Let your Spirit move mercifully to recreate us from the chaos of our lives. We...
It’s embarrassing to admit, but somehow I’ve managed to conveniently package the story of Jesus in a nice and tidy box. I know the facts, but I’ve become numb to the mystery of the miracles, the scandal of his daily life and the cost of his call I’ve accepted...
A couple of years ago our family was white water rafting down the rapids of the Pecuare River in Costa Rica. The water sprayed in our faces, a guide shouted commands from the back, and we all paddled hard while also trying to stay in the boat. The river was furious...
I’m very comfortable and adept with the outward journey. I’ve been trained in it since I was a little kid. I enjoy it. I love the journey through new seasons of life. Many of my seasons come and go in the context of family—getting married, having children, celebrating...