Spiritual disciplines and a shovel – what they have in common

Spiritual disciplines and a shovel – what they have in common

The blister on my hand and sore squatting muscles are signs that it’s spring break (or maybe more of a sign that I’m out of shape). I’ve been working in the flower beds pruning roses, raking leaves and pulling weeds that manage to grow when nothing...
How to pray when you feel worried

How to pray when you feel worried

When my mind is cluttered with a mental “to-do” list, I know it’s time to pull out a piece of paper and write it down. Once I put it in writing, it frees me from feeling like I have to keep it present in my thoughts lest I forget it. The list no longer clouds my...
Two Prayers to Refresh Your Own Prayers

Two Prayers to Refresh Your Own Prayers

If you’re like me, sometimes your prayers feel as stale as an old piece of toast. Maybe God’s not bored by your words, but you sure are. You want to pray for your kids, your friends or simply pray for yourself. But the words feel more like yesterday’s leftovers than...
What happened to the “supper” part of the Lord’s Supper?

What happened to the “supper” part of the Lord’s Supper?

Sundays, in the GreenHouse, are for eating together. Our college sons come home for Sunday lunch, and in the evening a group comes over for dinner. Everyone contributes to the evening meal–always delicious and plentiful. But it’s not the tasty meal that brings...
5 Questions that John the Baptist makes me ponder

5 Questions that John the Baptist makes me ponder

Jesus is definitely the main character in the Advent readings, but some of the supporting roles surrounding his story are quite intriguing. I’ve already shared why Mary is my hero (A Protestant’s confession), but Jesus’ cousin, John, is another one...