The blister on my hand and sore squatting muscles are signs that it’s spring break (or maybe more of a sign that I’m out of shape). I’ve been working in the flower beds pruning roses, raking leaves and pulling weeds that manage to grow when nothing else can.

Spring growth is budding in the backyard, and it always reminds me of the mystery of spiritual growth. Spring flowersSo before I go outside and pick up the clippers to prune the twenty foot wall of yellow climbing roses, I wanted to share this quote about spiritual disciplines from Marjorie Thompson’s book, Soul Feast.

“Spiritual disciplines are like garden tools. The best spade and hoe in the world cannot guarantee a good crop. They only make it more likely that growth will be unobstructed. The mystery of maturation lies in the heart of the seed, and the outcome of planting depends largely on the vagaries of weather. Still, tools are important in helping to ensure that planted seeds will bear fruit. Tools can remove stones and roots, aerate the soil, weed and water the garden.Daffodils

Disciplines like prayer, scriptural reflection, and hospitality have the character of garden tools. They help keep the soil of our love clear of obstruction. They keep us open to the mysterious work of grace in our heart and our world. They enable us not only to receive but to respond to God’s love, which in turn yields the fruits of the Spirit in our lives.”

Marjorie J. Thompson, Soul Feast

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