Did you have a good Thanksgiving break? Holiday roundup - here's a list of holiday posts to get you through the season.I loved the time with our sons who met us at Grandpa’s house. We feasted on tasty turkey and dressing—why don’t we eat dressing the rest of the year?! And Gary even made his first ever pie—Derby pecan pie–inspired by a recent visit to his Kentucky cousins.

Now it’s Christmastime! Before we drove out of Grandpa’s neighborhood to head home, we were already rocking to some of our favorite Christmas music—anything from “Feliz Navidad” to Handel’s Messiah, “Unto us a Child is Born.”

After twelve hours on the road, we finally rolled into our neighborhood. (Don’t worry, we didn’t listen to Christmas music the whole time.) The neighbors’ Christmas lights welcomed us home and reminded me that I’ve got some catching up to do.

Before I finish pulling out more red and green from the boxes, I want to share with you some posts I’ve written in past holiday seasons. Here’s a roundup of posts that range from getting through the holidays when your heart feels tender to why you shouldn’t begrudge those extra holiday pounds.

Holidays can be joyful. But they can also be difficult. Here are a couple of posts for the tender hearts this season…

2 Tips for a Tender Heart in the Holidays

4 Holiday Tips for Traditions in Transition

Here’s a post about Advent and some posts that my Advent readings inspired…

Advent – What is it? (I found my Advent book by Rohr while I was pulling out other Christmas décor, and yesterday I ordered a new book that I’m going to try out this season. I’ll let you know what I think.)

4 Reasons Why Mary is my Hero

5 Questions that John the Baptist makes me ponder

And a couple more holiday posts…Holiday roundup - here's a list of holiday posts to get you through the season.

Presence instead of Presents

Food is Memories – Why you shouldn’t begrudge those extra pounds. (I think I’ll read this again myself while I enjoy a gingerbread man and a cup of coffee.)

I pray you enjoy the holiday season!

May you gather with friends and family. And may you be reminded of the hope we have waiting on the Lord.

I’m going to hang some garland now and lay out my favorite Nativity scene.



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