I come from a family of “doers”. Doing for the kingdom was as natural as eating three meals a day.Do you ever wonder if you're doing enough kingdom work?

But there are seasons when I can’t–or shouldn’t even try to–check off as many items on the kingdom “to-do” list. Maybe it’s because of special needs in the home, physical limitations, or my own special needs. Whatever the reason is that I can’t do more, I find it hard to give myself permission to “do less”. That’s when I grapple with the messed up question, “Am I doing enough?”

When I was in one of those seasons of questioning, I wrote these words that I felt the Heavenly Father was saying to me. Maybe you’ll find them helpful if you ever wonder if you’re doing enough.


Me in you is enough.

Don’t worry about

knowing enough,

remembering enough,

doing enough,

saying enough.

I’m enough.

Simply let me dwell in you—be my temple.

I am all that you need to radiate my presence to others.

Give me space to live fully in you.

 I will live in your thoughts, in your desires. I will be your desire.

 And that is enough.

 I will be with you, in you and live through you.

 It is enough that you let me dwell in you.

Just be my temple.

Others will see me through the windows of the temple.

I will radiate through the windows of your seeing eyes,

listening ears,

the windows of your words,

the windows of your heart and soul,

through the windows of your love.

Me in you is enough.

Cathedral in Cartago, Costa Rica

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