“I’m trying to trust God. But lately I’ve told him that I need to see him with skin.”

That’s what a friend of mine said last week.

I could have given her a quick answer about Jesus being God with skin. Immanuel, God with us. He became flesh and lived among us.God with skin But that’s a quick answer that still requires a leap of faith. And sometimes we don’t have the strength to make that leap.

I prayed that somehow God would let me extend his love to her as we talked. “God, let me be you with skin during this conversation.”

Her prayer has lingered in my thoughts since we had that conversation.

How many people yearn to see God “with skin”? To be touched by him with a real touch?

Touching others for God, or being “God with skin” isn’t too complicated. If God’s Spirit lives in us, then we can touch others with his presence. Unfortunately, we tend to limit who God works through and where he shows up. We don’t really believe that He’s waiting to show up through us.

“God with skin” is not a role reserved for the preacher with a Masters in Theology. Nor is it limited to the ministries listed in the church bulletin. It is simply responding to people in a way that Jesus would respond. It’s allowing His Spirit to guide our conversations. It’s joining God in his relationships.

It can happen on the job with a coworker, on the sidelines with other parents or in the home with the kids. We can be God with skin in the hospital waiting room, sitting around the dinner table or helping someone we met in a class.

It will most likely happen when we take the time and effort to respond to others the way that Jesus would respond in relationships. People often see God when we…God with skin

  • listen
  • forgive
  • show compassion
  • love
  • share his peace

There have been plenty of times when God touched me through the touch of others. I have felt like God listened because someone else listened. I’ve been convinced that God forgives because my friend forgave. The compassion and love of others showed me God’s love. And I’ve been touched by His peace with a calming hug wrapped in His presence.

So how about it? Are you willing to be “God with skin” to someone this week? If you are willing, God may answer someone’s prayer with your touch.

How has someone in your life shown you “God with skin” ?

“Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.” Ephesians 4: 32 – 5:2

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