Who do you think of when you hear the word perseverance? Have you watched someone doggedly determined to hang on amidst difficulty?Perseverance quote - Who do you know who perseveres? Share this with them and let them know how much they encourage you.

Last weekend our family watched our son, Jacob, graduate from college. Although his degree is in accounting, in my opinion, his diploma is more about perseverance than debits and credits. He has overcome obstacles since he was a young child. And he keeps overcoming.

I respect Jacob because he doesn’t quit. He tenaciously keeps trying.

When I think about it, there are lots of people surrounding me who I respect for their perseverance. It’s easy to get so caught up in our own race, that we don’t notice who is running beside us. But when I look around, I see that I’m surrounded by amazing long distance runners.

My friend Margaret is raising 4 teenage nephews. We just spent time with friends persevering as they study Spanish in Costa Rica. Terri raises her grandson after raising her kids. Evy and Ed face Alzheimer’s with courage. Our Venezuela friends stand in long lines for the basics. The Hanners go to the hospital yet again. The Harris’ serve faithfully even when there is little fruit. We know couples who keep loving each other through adversity, parents who hold on to hope for their kids, and kids who pick themselves up again even when no one notices when they are down.

I imagine you have your own list of long distance runners surrounding you. And many of you reading this are running your own long distance race with hurdles and obstacles to overcome.

Today, I just want to say thanks. Thanks, Jacob, for letting us run beside you and inspiring us with your perseverance. Thanks to all of you who are running long distances with perseverance.

Your life encourages those of us who run beside you.

If you’re finding it difficult to carry on in your own race,

  • lift up your eyes and notice the people who run beside you. You’ll most likely be encouraged.
  • encourage them by letting them know how their perseverance inspires you to do the same.

I’ll leave you with a few words I wrote for Jacob last week that describe his overcoming spirit of perseverance. Maybe you’d like to share them with someone you know who perseveres.Perseverance quote - Who do you know who perseveres? Share this with them and let them know how much they encourage you.

Share in the comments people you admire who are running the long distance race.

“…we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God. Not only so, ut we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.” Romans 5:2-5



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