Last week the sunrises were stunning.


During the winter I usually walk later in the day after the sun has had time to warm my path–I’m a wimp about the cold, especially with a strong north wind. But last week was unseasonably warm enough that I went on walks earlier than usual. And I loved it.

I love to walk out the door when the sky is still dark enough to highlight the moon and stars and by the time I return the sky has transformed through a variety of hues, pushing the darkness away until there’s normal daylight. It’s beautiful.

There are two walking routes that I choose from. One is around the neighborhood, and it’s best on a windy winter day because the houses help block the 40 mph north wind gusts. But the houses also block my view of the horizon. So when I enjoy a walk in the neighborhood, it’s usually without enjoying the changing colors of the sunrise.

IMG_4037So if it’s not too windy or cold, there’s another route I take to a nearby park that is wide open (that’s West Texas code for no trees). It’s perfect to watch the sun peak up on the horizon. The best mornings are when there are a few wispy clouds to reflect its changing colors.

It’s different everyday. And it changes from one minute to the next. I’ve altered my route so I can face east as long as possible (sometimes I even walk backwards so I don’t miss a moment of it).

By the time I walk back into my front door, I feel like I’ve received a special gift from God to begin the day. He didn’t have to create the world so the days begin and end with such splendor. And he didn’t have to create it so that it would be different every time.

Sometimes it’s spectacular. Other times it’s ordinary. And there are some days with so many clouds that we hardly notice the sun’s arrival. The variety keeps me looking.

Yet so often I miss the gift altogether. My schedule doesn’t allow it, or the weather clouds it. I take a different route so my view is blocked. Or I just forget to look.

The gift of the sunrise is like so many of God’s other gifts. Sometimes we receive them in the ordinary, other times they are in the spectacular. And sometimes we miss them altogether.

But God keeps giving gifts. So I’ll keep learning to receive. I want to pay attention so I don’t miss them.

I pray that you will join me to pay attention so that we receive his gifts in both the spectacular and in the ordinary—whether it’s a hug, a warm glance or enjoying his peace, love and faithfulness. This time of the year we’re especially paying attention to the gift of his Son. Hopefully it will tune our hearts so that we are looking for his gifts throughout the year.



I’ll be taking a break from writing for the rest of the Christmas and New Year season (changing my ‘walking route’ so I can have more time with the family). I’ll be back in mid January, but before I close out this year, I want to thank all of you for joining me at the GREENhouse during 2015. Thanks for reading, for sharing your comments and sending emails to continue the conversation!

It’s a joy to share the journey with you, and I look forward to seeing where the new year takes us.

May you have a Merry Christmas!

Linking up with Grace and Truth


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