In the last two posts I told you about an experience when Miguel washed my feet at the side of the river (you can read about it here and here). Today I’m sharing a prayer with you that I wrote after reflecting on my dirty feet and the story of Jesus washing his disciples’ feet in John 13."Not you, Lord."

Not you, Lord.

You’re my Teacher and Master.

You quiet the waves,

you heal the sick with a touch,

and call the dead from the grave.


Not you, Lord.

Who gave you the towel?

Why are you on your knees?

The meal is ready,

just pass the bread, please.


Not you, Lord.

My feet are dirty,

but let me wash.

I should do it,

You should not.


Not you, Lord.

I’ll wash others’ feet too.

Just give me the towel.

I think I can do it.

I think I know how.

You insist.

You still hold the towel.

I resist.

A Prayer to the Teacher with the Towel - "Not you Lord"……………….

Forgive me, Lord.

Help me sit and be still.

I’m dirty, I know.

I thought I could wash,

but you’re better, so,

Cleanse me, Lord.


You kneel on the floor,

and I learn from you.

With a towel in your hands,

Teach me, Lord.


My feet are clean,

and so much more.

You wash me.

You teach me.

Thank you, Lord.

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