Last week we visited Matt and Tish Harris, missionaries in Australia. Tish threw out a question that stuck with me. It‘s bothered me, actually, so I’m going to share it with you so it can bother you too."Why not go?"

“Why are new missionary teams made up of young people? Sometimes I wonder why we are doing this when we’re young marrieds, having babies and trying to figure out how to be good parents. Why don’t older Christians set out on mission teams? They are the ones who are wiser for their experiences. Seems like they could do this better than us.”

This question bothers me a bit because now I’m one of those “older Christians”. We’re about to send our last kid off to college, and we’ve always said that we’d be open to going again once we got the kids through school. Her question bothers me because it reminds me to ask, “Why not go?”

Since I don’t want to be alone in this, I’d like to invite you to join me to…

  • Ask the question. “How does God want you to join him in his kingdom work? Is he calling you to go?” Family needs, mortgage payments and career commitments are enough to keep us from even hearing the question. It’s more comfortable to continue in our normal routine than to ask this question that might lead to changes. But that question isn’t just for young people trying to figure out what to do with their lives. Now that you’re older, wiser, and you’ve journeyed in faith through some seasons of life, what does it hurt to ask?
  • Let God lead you to the answer. Before you give a quick response with all the reasons you should leave well enough alone, take time to listen to what God puts on your heart. Maybe he’ll lead you to put a “For Sale” sign in the front yard. Maybe he’ll affirm that you’re in the right place to honor him as you take care of your family. Or perhaps he’ll lead you to get involved in a new ministry across town, or he’ll open your eyes to opportunities where you’re already doing life. Open your heart. Listen to how he can use your gifts in his kingdom during your particular season of life—whether it’s amidst your family, in your neighborhood or on the other side of the world.

A missionary's questionI’ll feel better to know we’re not the only ones asking this question. And I look forward to seeing how God leads us to an answer.

Think about it. “Why not go?”

Thanks, Tish, for that annoying question.

Thanks, Matt and Tish, for going. And thanks for treating us to some tasty Aussie fish and chips, hikes on those beautiful trails and playtime with your kids.

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