Yesterday I read the words that Jesus spoke to a group of religious people, and I couldn’t help but wonder what he would say to the religious people today–myself included.

He told them that in spite of their diligent search of Scriptures, they still missed him. Even though they poured over the very words that point to him, they refused to come to him. It’s not that the scripture wasn’t clear enough.  They just weren’t willing to go to him for eternal life.

Today Jesus might begin the sentence a little differently–diligently studying Scripture probably isn’t our strong point.

  • You diligently attend church…worship service, Bible classes, youth groups, retreats, small groups and big groups.
  • You diligently organize service projects…you feed the poor, build houses, organize food pantries, tutor students.
  • You diligently read books, lots of books…how to have a purpose, how to grow a church, how to pray, how to forgive.

You think that by doing all these things, you will possess eternal life. Yet you refuse to come to me.

Cathedral in Cusco, PeruWe can have perfect attendance, serve in the community and study new strategies. Yet amidst our diligent, busy pursuits, I imagine that Jesus would still shake his head and point out that many of us are missing him.

Not because he isn’t there. Not because he hasn’t made himself known. It’s not due to a lack of communication on his part. Like he said, we simply refuse.

We refuse to tend to the soul even when we attend church.

We refuse to surrender to the Savior while we serve our neighbor.

We refuse to believe the Son of God even though we believe new research, suggestions and slick strategies.

We even refuse to come to him while we diligently study the Scriptures.

It’s easier that way. Except that we miss him.

“I am the way and the truth and the life. 

No one comes to the Father except through me.”

John 14:6


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