Snow! I confess that I’m a Southerner who is thrilled when a blanket of snow covers the land. It makes me feel like a little girl inside. snow manMy kids will tell you that I’m the first to head outside to make a snowman, throw a few snowballs, and gather a large bowl of snow for snow ice-cream while we thaw by the fire.

The beauty amazes me. Everything is so white, clean and crisp. It’s an instant makeover from the drab brown winter sleep.

This week I’ve soaked up the beauty of snow in Utah,Utah mountains and now today Abilene, Texas  received the gift of a snow day. Of course the majestic mountain canyons in Utah were stunning. But snow brings new life even to the plain neighborhood we drive through every day. The yard that is never kept well looks just as beautiful as the yard that is meticulously groomed when they’re both covered with an indiscriminate white blanket of snow.

The snow reminds me of a couple of scriptures.

“Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow.”  Isaiah 1:18

“Cleanse me with hyssop and I will be clean; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow.” Psalm 51:7

The cleansing power of Jesus’ blood sacrificed for my sins is like the blanket of snow that covers everything. It’s hard to believe that his forgiveness falls over all of us indiscriminately. He covers all of our sins like the blanket of snow covers a mountain. He makes everything whiter than snow. Absolutely everything.

I’m so thankful for that.

I’m thankful for the snow that I’ve enjoyed this week.


And I’m thankful for the beauty of his cleansing power.

He makes us “whiter than snow”.

That’s something to get excited about while you enjoy a bowl of snow ice cream by the warm fire!

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