Bryen and Karen Willems—their life story doesn’t follow the typical script you would expect. He got a degree in accounting and she received her masters in entomology from LSU.Sydney opera house

The twist in their plot happened when they moved to Australia as vocational missionaries instead of settling into their careers in the familiar boundaries of Louisiana.  They traded deer for kangaroos, peanut butter for vegemite, football for rugby, and old friends for new mates.

You may be thinking, Australia, who wouldn’t want to live there?! Yes, it sounds glamorous. But they don’t live on the beach with pet koala bears in their backyard. They live in the city where they get up early to fight the traffic on the way to work just like the rest of us. Except that it’s on the other side of the world—a long way from family and a pot of gumbo.  Their move was a kingdom decision, not a tourist package without a return ticket.

If missionaries are a little crazy, vocational missionaries might be even crazier. They don’t always have the safety net of a supporting church back home. Churches aren’t so sure what to do with them, so they often do very little. A furlough isn’t part of their working agreement–a trip back to the states comes out of their own pocket.

Bryen Willems, Gary and Frances Green, Karen Willems

Bryen Willems, Gary and Frances Green, Karen Willems

So I left encouraged and challenged when our family shared lunch with the Willems during a recent visit to Louisiana. Their story is not a typical story because they let God change the plot. It’s a story of courageous kingdom living. It’s a story of commitment and perseverance.

Which leaves me with some questions for my story, and for yours…

  • Are you willing to let kingdom decisions change the script of your life story?
  • Who are the scriptwriters of your plot?
  • Do you honor God and let your light shine, wherever you live and whatever your profession?

I’m thankful to be challenged and encouraged by people like the Willems. They moved to Sydney nearly thirty years ago to let their lights shine, and their lights still shine brightly—with a little Aussie accent.

(A fun sub-plot to their storyline is that they are musicians too. They are both respected musicians singing country and bluegrass across Australia. Another surprising chapter in their story as they use their gifts.)


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