O God of such truth as sweeps away all lies,mountain stream
of such grace as shrivels all excuses,
come now to find us
for we have lost our selves
in a shuffle of disguises
and the rattle of empty words.

Let your Spirit move mercifully
to recreate us from
the chaos of our lives.

We have been careless
of our days,
our loves,
our gifts,
our chances…

Our prayer is to change, O God,
not out of despair of self
but for love of you,
and for the selves we long to become
before we simply waste away.

Let your mercy move in and through us now…


Written by Ted Loder, My Heart in My Mouth

I thought I’d share this prayer that is at the end of a chapter in Ruth Barton’s book, Strengthening the Soul of Your Leadership. I’m reading the book with a friend and we’ll be using this prayer throughout the week. Maybe you will enjoy using it in some of your times of prayer as well.

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